Bensaude Distribuição participates in the cleaning of Sta. Bárbara beach

16 May 2022
Bensaude Distribuição participates in the cleaning of Sta. Bárbara beach
Last Sunday, May 15, Bensaude Distribuição, through the Continente brand and in partnership with the Azores Surf and Bodyboard Association and Save Azores Waves, participated in a coastal clean-up at Sta. Bárbara beach.

The initiative, open to the public, had about 40 participants, from elements of the championship organization to athletes, employees of the Bensaude Group and families.

All participants were given a t-shirt allusive to the moment and a reusable and recycled Continente bag. During approximately one hour, more than 30 rubbish bags were collected.

Aiming to increase environmental awareness, in the tent dedicated to the exhibition of microplastics there was also room for another educational moment, aimed at the younger public who participated in large numbers.

This action was led by the International Organisation for the Preservation of Coastal Fringes and Waves, the Save the Wave Coalition.

As an agent for change, Bensaude Distribuição will continue to associate and promote actions aimed at protecting the environment, from awareness to the adoption of good practices for a sustainable society and future.